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Writer's picturePieter A. Pienaar

"Activating a vision" (Post 78)

My Vision

If I could press a key,

To make fantasies appear,

I would, I would.

May it fall into place

One amazing day.

I am tied to a dream and

It leaves but always returns.

It’s forever on my mind

holding my heart.

Give it wings and let it fly …

Wait to see where it goes …

And if it remembers you.

It is an enduring image;

Secure in my vision.

When I think I’m free;

I hear it in conversations.

Give it wings and let it fly …

Wait to see where it goes …

And if it remembers you.

The outlines are incomplete,

I don’t want to fail,

It is not a new idea,

In fact, it’s as old as me.

Give it wings and let it fly …

Wait to see where it goes …

And if it remembers you.

I have to let it go,

Let it taste the sky

Or another dream may die.

For the last three days I have been working on a song in which I tried to convey a few sentiments we may experience when we have a dream. A vision or a dream will forever be intangible (unless we try to give it wings - as we all know). Most of us, I presume, have dreams (big or small) which have been with us for as long as we can remember, and we can't explain "why" we have them in many instances. Some dreams are within our control, for example: we can create many paintings for an exhibition, we can start documenting our memoirs, we can take a road trip, we can do it.

However, some dreams require Divine intervention and sometimes we get a little tired, because we do not control "heaven's timetable", but we have faith. If you are a believer, be reminded of Genesis 18:14. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?... (ESV)."

I included a pattern I made from detail I took from an oil on board painting I made in the late 1990's. I call this design, "Revelation". May we all have a revelation of what we have control over, and if we have time, may we actively pursue the good dreams God placed within our hands.

If you feel like listening to my elementary version of the song above, feel free. Just don't call the music police to come and fetch me. I am an amateur on all musical levels.

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