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Writer's picturePieter A. Pienaar

"Measure the power of a butterfly" (Post 3)

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

Today I had to face the sun outside because the mopped floors had to dry. Luckily I could dodge the powerful Saudi sun because I had an umbrella that I could wind up to open. There I sat feeling tired; I turned my head to look at the garden which is showing off its flowers and what did I see? Maybe for the first time here, a butterfly.

The butterfly was a sunny one. It was yellow with black dots and it drifted weightlessly from plant to plant. For a moment I had forgotten where I was because I was trying to figure out "why now, why here" as I was looking at it, but it managed to pause my brain and touch my heart. How do we measure the power of beauty? I remembered a collage I made a year ago: "Measure the power of a butterfly".

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