This morning as I was looking through my portfolio for an idea for this post, I saw my abstract oil painting called “Boat ride”, which I made in 2009. I decided that I would write about travelling (or “taking a break”), which now seems to be something we fear we may never enjoy again, as a pleasurable pastime option (seeing that the current pandemic has halted almost all tourism for the time being). Why is travelling or being a tourist such a pleasure? What does it give us and how does it impact our emotional health? Does it have to be a long distance journey or is around the block fine too?
I think, taking a break by whatever means of transport we enjoy, provides us with an opportunity to escape the present challenges in our lives; when we are moving physically forward, we are revitalized and we may even feel victorious. I know deep down we would all like to travel to far-away places and see those things we have dreamed about since our childhoods, but as we all know, not all of us will enjoy that fine level of luxury. However, let us not discard the options we have in our own wonderful "backyards", the little towns and the neighborhoods.
Sometimes a short bus ride, or a 20-minute walk to meet a good friend for a cappuccino at a quaint coffee shop can do wonders for our psyches too (please excuse my “cheap” alternative). I imagine many of us are missing these “forgotten” and even “distant” pleasures now, but may the time come soon (we pray) when we will see the places and faces, we need to see, in order to become positively charged to face our particular challenges. Enjoy planning your very own unique “boat ride” to the distant shores (or local restaurants) which beckon you.
(You may type into the YouTube search bar: Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes, HD, with lyrics, if you feel like listening to this golden oldie.)