TSoT = The Story of Trees
In the Kalahari a family nest (or communal nest) is something special. We marvel, we stop and we pay attention. It is truly popular as you will hear in a moment. “How do these birds manage to live so harmoniously?” The lives of these family birds can easily be disturbed by the appearance of a snake that is looking for a tasty meal or two. You can click on the link below which gives an informed overview of how these nests came to exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62G9kw9Ziek
I watched the video and then I found this quote by Jimmy Carter which I think fits the mood of this post: “Each of us must rededicate ourselves to serving the common good. We are a community. Our individual Fates are linked; our futures intertwined; and if we act in that knowledge and in that spirit together, as the Bible says: ‘We can move mountains’”. (http://www.globalstewards.org/world-quotes.htm) As humans we know that communities are not the easiest of places, and these birds do indeed provide us with a wonderful example of how being on the lookout for one another can be beneficial to all.
I would like to tell you how I discovered that images of these communal nests are indeed popular. As the video stated, these nests can be inhabited for a century. I grew up knowing a family tree that lasted for more than half a century. It was destroyed this year when a veld fire swept through a number of farms.
Fortunately, I had taken photographs of this tree before the fire removed it. Earlier this year I decided to have a few buffs printed, to promote our area. I decided to take the photograph of this communal nest and to simply add a filter. Well, the 10 pieces which depicted this tree, sold out first. My friends and family members were impressed. I was surprised, because I did not expect such a positive response.
The communal nest depicted in Family Nest, is not the same nest that burned down as you would have gathered. The nest depicted here is still doing well. Like the other works in this series, it took me a day to complete it too; I did not want to be in any hurry it seems. The tree is the focal point as it dominates the right side of the work with its branches leaning over the edges of the picture frame in the top right-hand corner. This work appears to be most popular of the 10 pieces in this collection. Even an Indian friend of mine living in Chennai remarked a while ago, upon seeing this image, that he is fascinated by these nests. Perhaps Family Nest wants to reminds us (the world over) that we indeed want to belong to a bigger community.
May each of us find our tribe where we feel we can creatively make a contribution that others value and where we can appreciate and enjoy the gifts of others too. I added a few links below where you can see other versions of Family Nest. Enjoy working on the communal nest, wherever you are. Remember, there is art in your heart.
That's a wonderful post my friend. The communal nest always fascinates me. The birds teach the modern world the value of harmonious living.