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Writer's picturePieter A. Pienaar

TSoT: Guardian

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

(TSoT = The Story of Trees)

I have just glanced over a few opinions regarding trees and their symbolic meanings on the internet. The meaning of a tree changes from culture to culture and in older civilizations it seems as if trees were seen as “living beings” and they were given human attributes. Trees cannot move from place to place, but they can “sway” in the wind and they can “witness” life around them one author said. I think this is a good introduction for “Guardian”.

“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” Martin Luther (

As you will see, I took a few artistic liberties here, because the intertwined smaller branches with their spots of green leaves here and there, was quite a challenge. However, a more spontaneous interaction with the scene came to the fore; I was becoming more relaxed with regards to outdoor artistic activity, I think. I see an Impressionist sentiment here too. It is a pity that white watercolour paint is simply not white enough when one needs it to be stronger in intensity; as you will see I tried to highlight a branch and indicate some twigs, because the painting or sketch became too “heavy”?

Here my affinity for a “meaningful” dark line or outline came to the fore. I enjoy creating works with bold lines, but these lines are often seen as "crude" and perhaps not “sophisticated” enough – which I can understand, because it brings a “forcefulness” that makes the shapes a bit too “loud”? These types of lines are also seen in the Expressionist movement.

I am not particularly fond of drawing with a graphite pencil, but when I can pour paint into a bottle and see a dramatic line appear, my heart is happy. I will include links below to two chapters from my Journey with Jeddah where you can see the bolder application of line I am referring to. I call the paintings you will see in the videos, "spout drawings" because I use the "spout" of the bottle. Ketchup bottles can be perfect for this purpose.

See you at the next tree and remember there is art in your heart. Be blessed and don't forget to notice the trees.

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