In the previous blog I introduced Inkscape and I showed a few “tricks” I get up to occasionally. This blog will be brief. I intend to bring this collection of trees and trunks to a close with the help of a video I created, by downloading my images from my Shopify store.
Before I continue, I think I just need to draw attention to the “print-on-demand” applications which are out there. I use Printful to add my patterns to templates which will be shown on “real” models later. These modelling photos are then sent to my Shopify store where I then add titles and all the items which could make my collections more appealing and, in the process, I could perhaps secure a sale or two. Let me interrupt myself here and state: selling appears to be out of my reach at the moment. I don’t know how one sells on these platforms because there is a deluge of wonderful online items out there; I have been unsuccessful thus far.
We are living in a digital jungle (or ocean) and to be “unique” is no longer possible to some degree, I believe. However, the times we enjoy provide us with wonderful tools (some of which are completely free) to do our creative dreaming with. (Be careful not to get caught in the “gimmick” traps. Many of these platforms offer advertising services, for which you have to pay. However, I am not sure if these are always worth it.) I hope I do not sound like a “bitter” older person, which I hope I am not. The online shopping domain is still a “mystery” to me, but I am determined to at least participate in part of the fun, as you will see in the video. I trust you will see the many options available – if you are keen on seeing your own art on textiles or garments.
In the next blog I hope to introduce my more traditional-looking watercolour Kalahari landscapes. I hope to see you somewhere in the distance of a misty watercolour landscape soon. Remember, there is art in your heart.